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About Us

Our Team

Who we are

Founded in 2022, we specialize in engineering, innovation and automation.


Our founding team has 15+ years of experience in IT companies providing solutions to the Telecom and Financial services industries. Innovation-driven engineering experts with managerial experience have united the best talents to design and deliver transformative technological solutions. 

Expert Teams

Starting from day one our vision and legacy of achievements in building technology for the best Telecom and Financial services institutions in Armenia brought together brilliant people. We formed 5 teams with core focuses on solution management, back-end and DevOps solution development, big data and machine learning modeling, as well as, database and quality engineering.

Decisive factors ensuring success


We have a team of highly skilled and experienced domain experts who are well-versed in building complex platforms and solutions.


Our solutions are scalable and flexible, allowing our clients to easily expand and grow their operations.


We place a high priority on security and use the latest technologies and best practices.


We are constantly exploring new technologies and approaches to provide businesses with cutting-edge solutions to help them stay ahead of their competition.

Customer service

We are committed to dedicated customer support after service integration, maintaining responsive support and open communication channels to ensure that client needs and expectations are met.


 We value long-term partnerships with our clients and are committed to building strong relationships based on trust, transparency, and collaboration.


Leadership Team

Gabrielle Winn


Mario Palmer

Managing Partner

Kelly Williams

Marketing Strategist
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